Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Belated Christmas Post

Okay so I have been a bad blogger for the past couple of weeks! First Christmas, then New Year's, then the whole family got sick, so I have been behind on my posts...Going to catch up with how we spent Christmas now, before I forget it all!

Christmas morning we bring Zach out to the living room so he could see all his Santa gifts! At first, he was really groggy and not sure what was going on, then he got really excited! He kept saying oh, oh, over an over again and didn't know what to play with first! He got a miniature kitchen as his "big" gift and he had a blast figuring it out. He loves to take everything apart, then put it all back together again.

His Toys

Sleepy boy
Sleepy Boy

Discovering his toys
zach looking at toys

Then Steve's parents came over for Christmas breakfast and he got some more toys. He loved his little tonka truck from Grandma Kate!
zach on tonka truck

Well we were all pretty exhausted after all the activities and we all took a nap before heading to my mom's house for Christmas lunch (yes we ate a lot this day!). After lunch, Zach let us know that it was time to open more presents! He kept bringing bags and presents over to me as if he was saying "lets open now!"
open open open

My mom had pulled out my old rocking horse and rocking chair and Zach had fun making them rock at the same time. He didn't want to get in them, just rock them! My mom painted Zach's name on one side of the horse, the other side has my name!
rocking horses
With Grandma! Mmmm this bear tastes good...
mom z x-mas
Zach's new thing is calling for the dogs now. I guess I call the dogs a lot, when I am letting them outside, bringing them back in, etc. So now Zach calls them a lot to, it is more like Maywaaa and Belle instead of Mya and Jezebel. Here is a picture of him in my mom's backyard calling for Mya!
Then it was back to the house, we had all had a busy day, but Zach was ready to eat again. He sure does like my mom's apple salad!
apple salad

And for me, the best present ever...
apple salad

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