Friday, January 11, 2008


So I finally found something else that Zach will eat now other than rice and beans. My spaghetti! Thank goodness I am finally finding some food that doesn't come out of a jar or a cup that he will eat. And for the record, we did have rice and beans twice in the last week :)

No one ever told me how hard it was going to be to get a toddler to eat! I guess I should have known, since I always saw Shannon struggle with getting Cayden to eat, but my goodness, it is tough!

So Zach will now answer when you ask him where things are. If you say where is Daddy, he will go in the room where Daddy is and point, but mostly he puts his arms in the air and says huh? Kinda like "I don't know". And he has learned where his head, eyes (sometimes misses and points to his ears) and belly button (always lifts his shirt to show you!) are. The things he is learning every day just amazes me. Love seeing those wheels turn.

He also has become quite a mama's boy as of late, hope he grows out of this phase soon as Daddy loves playing with him too!

Tomorrow we go to a "Little Gym" to do some baby gymnastics/play. I think he will have a really good time and will post pics soon.

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