Thursday, December 27, 2007

Breakfast with Santa

The Saturday before Christmas, Zachary's daycare hosted a breakfast with Santa and Steve and I took Zach. We figured this would be better than trying to drag a feisty 15 month old to the mall to stand in line!

His new thing is he now likes to walk up to the school, no more carrying my big boy (without a fight that is, LOL). Here he is heading in to meet Santa!
Zach sat DC door

When we got to the room they were having the breakfast in, we saw that we were the first ones there, even before Santa! Zach colored me a picture, while trying to eat all the crayons, then ate (real food) like a champ!
Zach coloring

Finally Santa arrived. He was a little strange, but his big booming voice had Z mesmerized! He was watching his every move. But when it came time to sit with Santa, mommy had to sit too, as he was a little scared of him.
Zach Santa 1

Zach Santa 2

Zach saying hi to one of his teachers, Mrs. Nayeli. He really likes her.
Zach Nayeli

And here is my favorite pic from that day!
Zach close up X-mas

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