Friday, December 14, 2007

Cayden's 5th Birthday

This past weekend we went to one of my BFF's son's birthday party at Pump it Up. It is a play zone for kids with a bunch of blow up jump/slide machines. At first Zach was very scared about the whole place. There was a bunch of people, tons of kids all running around so he just wanted to cling on to mommy the whole time. That was until I took him down the big slide!

At first he looked awfully scared...But by the time we made it to the bottom, he was thrilled!

And wanted to go back up!

Afterwards all the kids ate pizza, and Z ate his like a big boy! I didn't even have to cut it up into little bites! Sorry the pic is so dark

And here is the birthday boy sitting on his "throne"

By the time we left he was pooped, he passed out in the car ride home, holding his balloon of course!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Testing testing 1 2 3